The DKJ Foundation is proud to support…
Cure Alzheimer’s Fund is the only research organization with a real plan to end the disease. Founded in 2004, their unique funding strategy is 100% focused on finding a cure and supports the scientists doing the most innovative work to move knowledge of Alzheimer’s pathology to prevention and cure. Their ultimate objective is to stop the disease before it even starts.
In March of 2004, the David & Susan Johnson Memorial Scholarship Fund was created to help support the mission of the David K. Johnson Foundation. Each year the scholarship fund provides financial assistance to a Reading High School student pursuing a career in the medical field or home health care. The scholarship fund is needs-based, and managed by the Reading Scholarship Foundation, Inc..

The David K. Johnson Foundation supports families, care givers and others dealing with Alzheimer’s disease throughout the community. This takes shape in many ways. The DKJ Foundation created an online resource center and has hosted a number of free community events including Aging Parents: Navigating the JourneyTM panel discussion and a special screening of Still Alice followed by a Q&A with Author Lisa Genova. The Foundation also funded the urgent respite care program at Peter Sanborn Place along with a fitness program for residents provided by Burbank YMCA. The DKJ Foundation is also actively involved with formulating a committee to spearhead a Dementia Friendly Community Initiative.